Who We Are

Posted by: livingforacause | Categories: Posts


Living for a Cause is a new nonprofit which has created a new smarter giving model of tangible giving.  We actually give goods or services to deserving Charities so our donors know exactly where their donations have gone.  Please visit our web page to learn just how we are making a world of difference one donation at a time.  www.livingforacause.org.  Join us in creating positive lasting change.

Who We Are

Posted by: livingforacause | Categories: Posts


Living for a Cause is a new nonprofit which has created a new smarter giving model of tangible giving.  We actually give goods or services to deserving Charities so our donors know exactly where their donations have gone.  Please visit our web page to learn just how we are making a world of difference one donation at a time.  www.livingforacause.org.  Join us in creating positive lasting change.